Easy Invoice Update v4.67 – This update mainly relates to the EBay functionalities.
eBay API bug fixed
An error has been fixed which, in a special situation, could lead to the EBay data being loaded but not being displayed. In this constellation, the E-Bay customer from Great Britain had a sales tax identification number – which is not common for private individuals.
Pagination – Increased maximum number of sales to load
In addition, the pagination function of the E-Bay Api was added. Currently, a maximum of sales from the last 90 days can be read and a maximum of only 200 results. Easy Invoice now checks whether more than the currently read results are available for the period and makes multiple EBay Api calls to really load all sales for a maximum period of 90 days. So now more than 200 sales are supported at once.
Automatically set EBay sales to paid
Automatically seIt is now possible to automatically set E-Bay orders that have already been paid in full to paid in Easy Invoice. Please set up an E-Bay account in the accounts and assign it. Click in the E-Bay interface and then in the settings. Here you will find the item “Automatically settle paid invoices”. Below that is the button to create and assign the associated account. You should not select “Use current date as invoice and payment date” so that the date from E-Bay is used for the invoice and for payment. The new functions on version v4.67 are available via the update or via the full setup .