In the future, Easy Invoice should be able to exchange data with many popular shop systems. Accordingly, this is a new major expansion in this update. There is also a new interface in Easy Invoice for reading in the shop sales. After reading the online shop orders from which invoices are created, the status of the order in the online shop can also be changed. The order no longer appears as open in the online shop, but as “processed” or “invoice created”, for example.

The exact description of how the interface is installed in the shop can be found in the file ShopInterface.pdf, which is included in Easy Invoice after the update. There is also a button for instructions directly on the shop interface interface ( https://download.peppertools.de/ShopInterface.pdf ). In principle there is 1 new directory that has to be uploaded: the peppertools directory. The password in the peppertools/includes/configuration.php file must be changed here so that not everyone has access to your data. Then the entire peppertools/ folder that you can now find in the program directory can simply be uploaded to the main directory of your shop. In Easy Invoice you enter the link to the directory and the password you have chosen. The shop system is recognized automatically and does not have to be selected. And the orders can already be processed into invoices.

The following shops are supported with this update:

Modified Shop
Gambio store
Shopware 5
Shopware 6

These are not the last shop systems that Easy Invoice will support. Further shop connections are being planned and will be added with updates, such as Shopify. However, some of these run in the cloud and cannot be hosted yourself, so that the API connection must first be checked and implemented. Amazon has also released a new API, so we will check again here whether an implementation with the new API is possible. These are the prospects for the next 2 months – we will then report on more details.

There were also some bug fixes in this update.

The incoming invoices are now entered with a tax rate. The reports with “Detailed expenses” and “Detailed income” have also been adjusted accordingly, so that the tax rate and the tax portion can be taken from them. This information is particularly important for sales tax advance returns. Please pay attention to whether there is an “actual” or “target” taxation for you personally.

The eBay API has also been revised again, although this should not be noticeable during operation. Here we tested again extensively because EBay changed the CA on April 1st, 2022. This has to do with eBay’s SSL certificates and what the browser indicates regarding the security of the website.

Full Download Easy Invoice v4.68: https://download.peppertools.de/?EasyInvoice

Alternatively, as always, via the update function of the program.